Went out to see the Perseids last night. Set the alarm for 2:00 and took blankets out to the grass behind the corn crib, now Steve Martin's (the family rooster's) home. It's not like we lived in the big city before, but we certainly have a much better view of the stars out here. We laid on our backs and watched silvery flashes race through the infinite black. My wife has often made it out for this, and last night I finally got my bottom up.
Technology gets blamed for a supposed "nature deficit disorder," but technology can also get kids out. Two examples: we bought a new bird book that plays songs and calls of Eastern birds. On our trip to Maine, Sam had yellow warblers flocking to the shrubs nearby. He had a robin fly right at him the other day, checking to see about this intruder (he also had Steve Martin come at him when he imitated a rooster's call).
Example #2: my daughter is in much right now with a broken wrist (bad fall from rope swing). Yesterday I sent her on a photographic scavenger hunt. I wanted a picture of a preying mantis (we've seen a lot), a spider that lives near here that we don't know and have never seen before, part arachnid and part triceratops, and any other insect or bird life. She didn't get the preying mantis. But here's what she did came back with (sorry--gonna be easier if I take you to another webpage--and this in a post about the benefits of technology):
That is supposed to be the spider.
Some kind of butterfly. (Hey, photography not yet our strong suit).
Ebony jewelwing. (Yeah. Hard to see I know. Deal with it).
Our very own indigo bunting, very upset by some hummingbirds, ruby throated, we think.
Bee on thistle.
Yellow jacket on apple.
I am jealous of your prime location for the shower because here in Denver it was nearly impossible to watch. I saw maybe 3 or 4 but those are still questionable.
In other news, I just read this article yesterday in my favorite 4-corners magazine and for some reason it reminded me of you so i thought I would share.
Hey, great idea on the photo scavenger hunt. I'm going to try this before the week is out. I tried to plant our flowerbeds with butterflies in mind, so we have plenty of potential treasures to capture. Now I just have to decide if I trust Will with my big Olympus. You've also got me to wondering if I can load bird song files into my iPhone for easy and portable use in the field.
What a happy life your children must lead! Great idea with the photo scavenger hunt, a great combo of nature and technology and how technology can be used to appreciate nature, not hurt it!
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